Building the Grand Paris Express presents a host of technical, material, human, and environmental challenges.
Société du Grand Paris is solving them by adding innovation at every level of the project, from design to commissioning.

Innovation for a sustainable project

The sheer magnitude of the Grand Paris Express offers an opportunity to test out innovative solutions on a large scale. We are experimenting with everything from new construction methods and quieter worksites to novel services on the metro, and types of public information.

Innovation is what makes the Grand Paris Express project a driver of the ecological transition. We are steering a great number of our projects towards sustainable design and build practices. This strategy is also paving the way to advancing best practices in the public works sector.

A video of the next-generation concrete (French content)

How are we making innovative solutions a reality ?

We use a number of approaches like innovation premiums, requests for proposals, and R&D programmes to encourage the companies we work with to come up with more forward-thinking, sustainable solutions from the design to the build phases.

Our incentive programmes

A special space for innovation

The Grand Paris Express has its own innovation lab called the Fabrique du Métro. Also open to our partners, the space is a testing ground for innovative solutions and technologies. This is where life-size equipment is tried out for the stations and the new metro.

User tests at the Fabrique du Métro